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Is it possible to set/update the modified by attribute on the object with out iterating using api?


Is it possible to set/update the modified by attribute on the object with out iterating using api?

		System.out.println("Current session user :- " + SessionHelper.manager.getPrincipal().getName());
		//check out part
		epmDocument = (EPMDocument) WorkInProgressHelper.service.checkout(epmDocument,WorkInProgressHelper.service.getCheckoutFolder(),"").getWorkingCopy();
		WTUser modifer = OrganizationServicesHelper.manager.getAuthenticatedUser(strModifier);
		VersionControlHelper.setIterationModifier((Iterated)epmDocument, WTPrincipalReference.newWTPrincipalReference(modifer));
		//check in part
		WorkInProgressHelper.service.checkin(epmDocument ,"checkedin");

So A.1 is before the change of "modified by" and A.2 is after the "modified by".

I changed the modified by using api by  doing checked in+ checked out simultaneously.

Above is a snippet of the code i used:




WorkInProgressHelper will certainly iterate. Have you tried just using PersistenceHelper, making the modification and saving? 

can you give the syntax according to persistanceHelper?

This is a bit out of date but should get you started. 

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