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File Retrieval Search Order


File Retrieval Search Order

I have a model in my workspace and I am retrieving the corresponding
drawing from a dir on the hard drive. For some reason Pro/E also
retrieves the model that goes with the drawing from the hard drive, not
from my workspace as I would expect.

PTC documentation seems to indicate that it should not do that, it
should indeed try to pull the model from my workspace first before
looking anywhere else.

Here is how PTC says it should work but that is not what I am seeing:

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21-Topaz II

The retrieval order change a few releases back, putting the directory
that the parent item (drawing or assy) ahead of the working directory
and the workspace. That TAN was created 11 years ago. Even though it
was updated in 2005, it doesn't seem like it's accurate.

This TAN suggests a slightly different order:

This is an intentional change in Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire where the
search order is as following:
1) Pro/ENGINEER session
2) the Search/Retrieve directory where the parent object was
3) Active Intralink/Windchill Workspace and Commonspace
4) Local Working Directory
5) Search paths ...

It would seem that the one you found is incorrect.

Also, it adds:

There is a hidden configuration option to do it the old way:
"use_2001_search_order YES"

Not sure if that option is still valid for WF3 or not.

Doug Schaefer
Doug Schaefer | Experienced Mechanical Design Engineer
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