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How to insert new profile or connector into EFX?


How to insert new profile or connector into EFX?

I'm newer to Pro/E and especially the EFX module but I was wondering if someone knew of any documentation on the inner workings of EFX? The built-in help file is fine for basic usage but there's nothing in there on the requirements for EFX parts.

Specifically I'm wondering how to add new parts to the EFX connectors library. My students are doing a project with 80/20 and while the profiles are fairly sufficient the connectors and accessories are lacking. I've been downloading parts and putting them in a common location for them to use but what I would like is to keep them in the EFX interface as much as possible for this project.

If anyone knows of extra documentation where it outlines what is required of an EFX part/profile that'd be great.


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Hey Tony,

i am working at B&W (the developers of EFX) what do you need? maybe email me:

greets sam

Samuel Brantner
B&W Software GmbH
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