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Not all features are updated at one time


Not all features are updated at one time

Multiple updates are required today to update features. Features should be updated even when there is a link between parameters of different parts.

Not all features are regenerated when a relation is defined between dimensions/parameters of different parts.
More specifically,
・Part A length: Analysis feature a
・Part B surface: Offset amount b
・Part B relation set to b=a
When regenerated, Value b equals Value a internally, but this is not reflected on the surface location on the 3D model.
When regenerated again, the surface location is moved to the correct location.

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21-Topaz II

It's a great theory, but not possible.  The nature of the software is sequential and that's part of its power.

Initial relations are evaluated prior to regeneration, post-regen relations are evaluated after.  That covers most situations, but not all as your example illustrates.

Your example could be solved by making the relation b=a a feature relation inside the feature that contains dim B or perhaps in another feature in between the analysis feature and the feature that contains B.

I'd like to create a dedicated datum point through the default planes and attach the relations to it.  Then you can name it 'dim_b_relations' or something that will help you remember why it's there.

Doug Schaefer | Experienced Mechanical Design Engineer
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