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Summary : Family tables and Intralink.


Summary : Family tables and Intralink.


2 for 2 today. and both times I got a great sol'n from the same user...

TPI 31458 has the answer I am hoping will work.

Now my question is, how did she find that article so fast. We all know how
'well' the PTC knowledge base search engine works. Since she sent the
solution as a screen shot (jpg), I searched the knowledge base for "TPI
31458" and got zero hits. I probably should have left out the "TPI" - but
still, why can't it work? Anyway - thanks a ton to you all. And have a
happy weekend!


It's me again,

In WF2 and Intralink 3.4,

Can I break an instance out of a family table and retain the same name?

And if the answer is "yes", how?

And if the answer is "no", are there any ways to trick the software (like
maybe "save a copy" of the instance as a part, delete it from the table in
the generic, Check in the generic and then submit the new part? Will
Intralink remember that name and prohibit me...?)

Thanks again,


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One thing the TPI does not mention is to make ALL instances independant. The reason I say this is we have had many assemblies not check out in Intralink 3.4 because one sub-assembly used the stand-alone part and another sub-assembly used an instance. Even if the objects are diferent numbers, Intralink understands the dependencies. If you are using Intralink make sure you up date the family table to exclude the stand-alone model. This will not resolve all issues, but it will reduce them.

Patrick Perry -- BAE Systems

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