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Wildfire 4: Variable page size issue, plus plotting in general


Wildfire 4: Variable page size issue, plus plotting in general

Hi folks

I don't know if anyone else has come up against this "loss of functionality" in Wildfire 4? In previous versions, to plot a drawing with non-standard page sizeyou picked "Variable" on the drop-down and the height + width got filled automatically.

Now it doesn't work, and there's an SPR about it: PTC have refused to fix it in Wildfire 4, they say WF5 will bring it back. We often have large layouts on non-standard page sizes. So, this adds another step back into the plotting process, where the designer must type in the sheet height/width.

Q1: Does anyone know how to auto-fill the sheet height/width?

Q2: While I'm here I must ask if anyone out there has a "silver bullet" for large scale plotting, particularly on HP?

We've got a shiny new HP DesignJet T1100, but it continues to be trial and error for the engineers plotting full-scale from Pro/E. We use a .pcf file triggered from a button/mapkey - and have tried other methods too, but a lot of paper gets wasted along the way. 😞

I'd like a robust method for getting everything you see on the screen plotted 1:1 on paper with one click.

Thanks in advance for any help you can give.


Edwin Muirhead
CAD Manager, Weatherford

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