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Drawing Views Shift Right


Drawing Views Shift Right

I have a strange situation with a drawing of an assembly.
On my machine, with my, the drawing displays perfectly well. On
another machine, using a different, the drawing views disappear
off to the right, off the format and leaving the dimensions and notes
behind. If I replace my on my machine with the other one, I get
the problem on my machine, too.
Simple, I thought, I will go through the differences between the config
files one-by-one and pin down the culprit. It's not that simple. I have
tried the top half/bottom half approach - I removed the top half of the
differences - the problem did not appear. I removed the bottom half of the
differences - the problem did not appear. I have tried to work through and
isolate individual differences, but it is proving very long-winded. I am
worried it may be due to a number of config items interacting, in which case
I could be here a very long time. Do you have any ideas where the problem
may lie? Perhaps you have observed this behaviour before and have tracked it
down. maybe you are just very knowledgeable about config files. Whatever, I
would certainly welcome some help.

WF2, M220




Did you ever find the cause of this?  I am experiencing the same problem now.

Creo 3.0


That's very strange.  I would recommend contacting support and getting an SPR filed, so I can have the job of hunting down the cause.

23-Emerald II

It's not unusual if you have added features or datums to your model. Are you saying it's shifting without changes to the model?


I was working from the statement that the shifting was caused by a difference in settings, which sounds pretty seriously wrong.  If Mike is just seeing shifted views, I agree the first thing to check is whether the view outline changed as a result of the model getting bigger.

23-Emerald II

I completely agree.

We are getting the changes from User to User, no changes to the model.

User1 - saves a drawing

User2 - checks drawing, sees views shifted slightly off the border to the LEFT. Moves views back to center.

User1 - Reopens drawing and now sees views shifted slightly off border to the RIGHT!

Creo 3.0  M040



Good to hear.  Well, bad to hear, but at least it's clear.  Please do get an SPR filed for it, and I'll take a look.

Make sure that both users are referencing the same models at the same revision and same iteration. I've seen user play table-tennis like this until one of them finally updates all the models they have to match the other.

This presumes the origins of the views haven't been fixed to invariant references, like an initial CSYS.

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