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Hiding model names from model tree...possible?


Hiding model names from model tree...possible?

Is it possible to permanently hide model names from model tree??... I created a new layer and added these parts into it, hided and saved status...they were hided successfully but the part names still lie there in the model can I remove them too(permanently)...??....I need this because in assemblies I may need some parts to stick around but not visible...Any ideas?
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"Vivek B" wrote:

Is it possible to permanently hide model names from model tree??... I created a new layer and added these parts into it, hided and saved status...they were hided successfully but the part names still lie there in the model can I remove them too(permanently)...??....I need this because in assemblies I may need some parts to stick around but not visible...Any ideas?

Hi Cary, I don't have any bad intentions...It was the sake of just knowing it...thats it...Anyways thanks for your response, Cary.

Hi Vivek, Just try the Suppress feature, rightclick on the model and select suppress, its hides the model from the view and the model tree. I hope i answereed for your question. Regards, balaji. M

If suppress does what you want you need to make sure that Suppressed Objects isn't selected under the model tree settings.
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