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Model color in drawing views


Model color in drawing views

One of our departments has requested that drawing views use the model color rather than the default object line color (white).

Short of adding default views to their templates and setting the view display to get color from the model (which may be problematic for the department in question) is there a way to set this up? Looking through the .dtl file gets me no where.

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23-Emerald II

I found nothing in the list of .dtl settings to do this. The only way seems to be to add the view settings to a view on your template.

Thank you,

Ben H. Loosli

Setting the View Displayto have thecolor come from the modelis the only way I know to do that.

And...I do not know a way (drawing option setting) to automatically set it.

I think your idea of creating a template/saved viewsfor "their" drawings might be the only path to success on this one.

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