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Status query


Status query


I am bit struck in a confusion. I have an assembly in which one part is
having some symbol in model tree. I checked the assembly constraints and
it is found to have fully constrained. I am not able to get the reason
of appearing of this symbol.

Thanks and regards,

Jnanesha KS

T 91-80-4119 0900 Ext: 233

F 91-80-41190901
M 994 500 4179

Quality Engineering and Software Technologies

No 55 l QuEST Towers l Mahadevpura l Whitefield Main Road
Bangalore l 560048 l
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Hello again,

Just now I checked and came to know that the particular part is
constructed using external references. Is this anything to do with this
status symbol?


Jnanesha KS

I guess that one of the parent references for this component is not fully
constrained. I think the icon indicates "Child of Packaged".

Jnanesha K S <->
17-09-2010 07:22
Please respond to
Jnanesha K S <->


[proecad] - Status query


I am bit struck in a confusion. I have an assembly in which one part is
having some symbol in model tree. I checked the assembly constraints and
it is found to have fully constrained. I am not able to get the reason of
appearing of this symbol.

Thanks and regards,

Jnanesha KS

T 91-80-4119 0900 Ext: 233
F 91-80-41190901
M 994 500 4179
Quality Engineering and Software Technologies
No 55 l QuEST Towers l Mahadevpura l Whitefield Main Road
Bangalore l 560048 l


If you Right-Click the item in your Model Tree, then go to Info >> Reference Viewer, you should see where you are probably missing references.


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