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What are your favorite features that are new to Creo 1, 2, and Creo 3 (and possibly WF5)?


What are your favorite features that are new to Creo 1, 2, and Creo 3 (and possibly WF5)?

Valuable bantering aside for the moment 😉 , there are some great improvements in Creo and I am curious at compiling these into one document!  What I have found is that it takes a lot of time for people to find these features, so maybe this will help others...and me!           

This is a positive thread so if you cannot handle the urge to list features that PTC broke or removed (and yes there are some!), please comment in this location:

This should be modifiable by anyone so feel free to contribute.  If you rather not you can comment below and I will add it!

Feature DescriptionVersion Added
Command SearchAccessed within the Ribbon to teach users where in the Ribbon commands are, and even mapkeys that I added!  Really well done, implemented, and updated since then!  A huge time saver


Replace component

("On the Fly Interchange")

Using unrelated component: Edit Reference Table where I can pick references to replace when the new/old components are side by side.  Not only this but if I click Evaluate it will automatically replace some of the references without me having to pick them manually.  This is really well done and a huge time saver!Creo2/1
Learning ConnectorEmbedded context specific video tutorials via the Learning Connector.  Very useful to learn new features!Creo2/1

Flexible Modeling

(Although with older packages we are forced to pay for this set of features)

Great tool for adjusting step files and actually very useful for helping to fix broken imported data since it is more intuitive and simpler to use (in my and my coworker's opinion) than Import Data Doctor.Creo2/1
New Edit Reference Tools

Highlighting of position of old refs, better UI for replacing refs, selective replacement of other children, etc.  See:

Did You Know? Review and Edit References in PTC Creo

Collapse Geometry

Make portions of the model independent from the feature tree by collapsing them into an independent or imported feature.

Failed Features and Resolve modeReplacing resolve mode with just allowing the feature to fail and then change/correct your model as you would outside of failure mode. (What is odd about this though, is that if the feature is grouped, it is unfortunately harder to find which feature actually failed...hope PTC makes finding it easier!)Creo2

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"When you reward an activity, you get more of it!"

Starting with Creo the maximum number of lines a mapkey can be has been increased to 1,023,996 from 32767

I don't see how to add to your document directly.

The new edit references tools in Creo 3 are fantastic.  Very fast and easy to fix missing references in failed features.

Doug Schaefer | Experienced Mechanical Design Engineer

I wonder how many people ran into the old 32K line limit?  That's a heck of a mapkey!

Doug Schaefer | Experienced Mechanical Design Engineer

Here's a nice write up of the new functionality:

Did You Know? Review and Edit References in PTC Creo

Doug Schaefer | Experienced Mechanical Design Engineer

wow, I cannot imagine making a mapkey like that, or editing it if something goes wrong!  We prefer to break large mapkeys into sub-mapkeys which make them easier to troubleshoot, or update as changes occur.  I cannot imagine a single mapkey that is thousands of lines, but I am glad it works for you! 🙂

"When you reward an activity, you get more of it!"

Doug, I just checked with a coworker's account and verified that if you are logged in you should see an edit command on the right side of the page (under the actions).  Here is a screenshot...can you verify this works for you?

(I just edited slimmed down the screenshot because it was too big and confusing for this forum)

Thanks for the tip, and the document reference!

"When you reward an activity, you get more of it!"
23-Emerald III

I tried the edit button and it looks like I would have been able to edit. (Exited without saving changes.)

Well look at that, I added my edit. I didn't even look over there since I've never seen any editing tools over there before.

Doug Schaefer | Experienced Mechanical Design Engineer

Great!  Thanks for adding! I didn't know about this one.  I am going to add the last column for version added.

"When you reward an activity, you get more of it!"

For me, with regard to the actual modeler....

1. Although done some time ago...having the ability to change Add or Remove material in the same tool.

2. Getting rid of Resolve mode. I.E how failed feature "hang" in red during regen now is very nice.

3. More robust Merge, PubGeom, Inheritance, et al. Done correctly, this is the Bomb-Diggitey!

4. Flexible modeling. Although, us Old Schoolers were using Package and Move Component in assembly to get the same result for bulk movements of components.

Is it good or bad that I can't think of any more stellar "positives"? I can think of the "negatives", but I am respecting Lawrence's request to stay positive. ;o)

Added collapse geom feature!

in respect to whole Creo family in general I like the most Flexible Modeling module.

I does a great job.

Dean Long‌,

Yea that add and remove into the same feature has been great...though I think that was done in one of the Wildfire versions.  I really wish they would do this with a few other features too...such as the revolve.  It is too easy to select the Revolve do the sketch then realize that I meant to select the Extrude...or vice versa.  Totally my fault, but it would be nice to toggle between these 2 very common feature while retaining the sketch (without having to export, etc)

What is different about the Merge/Inheritance, PubGeom?  We use the Merge and Inheritance but have not noticed any stability increases (actually we still have some problems with getting it to regen nice in PDMLink without requiring a checkout).

I love not having to go into resolve mode (I hated that, even after I learned how to work it)!  I do wish the failure area listed the failed feature ID for easier finding though, or searching by it or something.  If it is a grouped feature/component, it has been known to be hard to find...

We like flex modeling too, but hope it gets more powerful and stable.  Too often Creo hangs or Crashes because it cannot do what was asked.  That being said, it has still has some great (though limited ) uses for us!

"When you reward an activity, you get more of it!"
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