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Can someone tell me what an .xpr file is? Every family table instance
seems to create one of these files but I don't know what triggers it to
be created or what the file is for?

Is there a way to stop them?

WF4, M100
windows 7, 64


David Reiser

12076 Edinboro Rd.
Edinboro, PA 165412
phone: (814)734-6000
fax: (814)734-8006

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They are instance accelerator files, or at least the result of having instance accelerator options turned on.
Look in the menuunder "File / Instance Operations / Accelerator Options" and set to "None" to stop these files from being created.

Thanks all!

I should have known that.... I thought .idx files were instance
accelerator files.

My family table parts are all pretty simple so I'll just turn it off for
now and see if I notice any performance hit.

David Reiser

12076 Edinboro Rd.
Edinboro, PA 165412
phone: (814)734-6000
fax: (814)734-8006

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