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Dlls is very great!


Dlls is very great!


I am compiling my Toolkit Wildfire 4.0project in Visual Studio 2005.

But the builded dlls is very great.It's haves 13.860 Kbytes.

Thanks, Diogo.

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That's correct. I think it's all the Unicode stuff in there now.

Patrick Williams | Sr. Application Engineer | Engineering Systems |
Steelcase Inc. | 616.698.4078 | My Site


I saw the examples of the Protoolkit (pt_examples.dll)and the dll is very great.

You could tell me which dlls in Visual Studio 2005 is required to distribute my application?


Just the dll that you compile should be distributed to your users.
Nothing else from Visual Studio is required.

Patrick Williams | Sr. Application Engineer | Engineering Systems |
Steelcase Inc. | 616.698.4078 | My Site

Hi Pat,

In case you've used any MFC stuff, you need to be sure that you've built
your DLL in Release mode. The app complains that it wants the debug DLLs.
Found that out the hard way!

Release mode also gives smaller compiled DLLs as well.



You are correct but the difference in size between Release and Debug is
not due to the Pro/TOOLKIT libraries. PTC does not distribute a debug
version of their libraries. Therefore the difference in DLL size is due
to the Microsoft C/C++ runtime libraries. They do distribute debug and
release versions of their libraries. I always recommend distributing a
DLL compiled for the Release configuration.

Patrick Williams | Sr. Application Engineer | Engineering Systems |
Steelcase Inc. | 616.698.4078 | My Site


Hi all,

Interesting discussion.

Here is what I got from PTC support some time back:


You opened 6829265 with PTC Technical Support on 12-Jan-2009, with the following description:

"Debug information is included in protk_dll.lib file. This cause VS2005 debugger to look for the original source files."

After further investigation, I found that SPR 1462374 was filed to reports the issue "While using ‘protk_dll.lib’ of Wildfire 4.0 release, the Size of TOOLKIT DLL increases by a factor of 9 to 10".

From this SPR, I understood that the debug information was provided intentionally with Pro/Toolkit library files to benefit the customers.

Based on the past feed back from Tech support (customer reported issues), this debug information was added to Pro/Toolkit libraries to generate better crash dump information if a crash occurred in a Pro/Toolkit app at customer’s end.

However, the SPR did not mention about VS2005 looking for source files while debugging Pro/TOOLKIT applications. I requested PTC development to check this issue and confirm. I’ll update you as soon as I hear from them.


Seshu Kumar

Technical Support Engineer, Senior



It looks like quite a number of factors had influenced dll file size increase.


Thanks for the update Feliks. In my opinion they should distribute two
versions of their libraries then. A debug and release version. As far
as needing source files when stepping through, I think this can be
avoided by not stepping into any Pro/TOOLKIT functions. Am I wrong?

Patrick Williams | Sr. Application Engineer | Engineering Systems |
Steelcase Inc. | 616.698.4078 | My Site

FYI - I opened a similar call complaining about large DLL's and the refrenced the closed SPR you found 1462374

I did some more looking and found another Open SPR - Severity High - 1985138 - that makes more sense and shows there is something that PTC can do to correct this issue. See PTC SPR Description below:


Hi together,

are there any news regarding the big Pro/TOOLKIT DLLs?
Has anybody a solution how to decrease the filesize?

Best regards, Domenic

Hi together,

are there any news regarding the big Pro/TOOLKIT DLLs?
Has anybody a solution how to decrease the filesize?

Best regards, Domenic

I don't know anything about the big toolkit dlls, but I know that OTK Dlls are bigger. Smallest OTK Example I build is 28 MB. So I think the size doesn't matter for PTC. But don't know.

Best regards,


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